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The fall 2024 Herald is here!

Eastern Christian’s Herald is a great look at the past 6 months at EC. It includes news from all three school campuses, foundation news, alumni news, upcoming events and more! The Herald is a fantastic way for alumni and members of the current school community to learn more about what’s going on at EC. Check…

Spiritual theme 2024-2025

The spiritual theme for 2024-2025 is “Grow, Gather, Go” with Hebrews 10:23-25 as our key verses: “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are…

Congratulations, EC class of 2024!

Congratulations to the EC class of 2024! Click on the links below for access to the photo galleries from each graduation and promotion ceremony plus videos of the eighth grade promotion and high school commencement.  Photos available online here.    Would you like to watch the full ceremony? Watch High School Commencement Watch Middle School…

Eastern Christian School receives commendations in latest accreditation cycle

In a meeting this spring, a group of educators and administrators from throughout the nation visited our campuses to review and recommend Eastern Christian School for re-accreditation to Middle States Accreditation and first-time accreditation to the Christian Schools International Accreditation Commission. The visiting team unanimously recommended the school for accreditation, as well as recommended the…

Announcing details of the 2024 EC Strategic Plan

Utilizing our core documents, including our mission, core values and graduate profile, and informed by community feedback, the strategic plan outlined below was approved by the EC Board of Directors at its January 2024 meeting and represents the school’s priorities for the next five years.  Eastern Christian School is dedicated to providing a distinctive Christian…

HomEComing 2023 Highlights

Despite the weather not cooperating for our community picnic on Saturday, HomEComing weekend was full of EC spirit!  The gorgeous fall weather on Friday made for the perfect day for EC’s Alumni Golf Outing at Wallkill Golf Club and our multiple events at the high school campus. The festivities kicked off with welcoming donors, administration,…

2023-2024 EC Athletic Community Nights

We are excited to release our EC athletic community night schedule for the 2023-2024 school year! The fall season features soccer and volleyball games (with the highlight coming on October 13 and 14 for HomEComing Weekend). The winter season features dates for basketball and the spring season features a softball and baseball game with additional…

2023 closing ceremony, promotion, and commencement highlights

Congratulations to the EC classes of 2023! Click on the links below for access to the photo galleries and footage of the full ceremonies.  Photos available online here.    Would you like to watch the full ceremony? Watch High School Commencement Watch Middle School Promotion  

We need your feedback. Here’s why.

In a few short days, you will be receiving a survey from Eastern Christian School. The surveys, which will go out to all students, parents and staff members, are part of the accreditation process. Comments and feedback will be used to demonstrate growth over the past few years to our accreditation bodies, as well as…

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